Wednesday, 11 December 2013

festive spiced apple pie

I made this with all the apples we had frozen from the summer plus a couple bought ones for the top. 

1.  first i made an apple souse by coring and peeling the apples and then blending them with some sugar. nothing was measurements properly so it was ruffle 3 tea spoons of caster sugar.  
2. then i greased the pie dish with some butter.       
3.  then I rolled out the pastry to about as thin as a 50 pence, and put it in the pie dish.
4. layer the apple souse in the base and cut up some thin apple pieces to go on the top.
5. cover the chopped apples with a very small amount of caster sugar and arrange them in a pattern on the top of the tray.
6. if you want you can cun a shape for extra decoration out of the pastry left over (I used a star shape).
7. bake in the over at a medium temperature for around 30 mins to 1 hour.
have fun
